Pac-Man World Rally - RIP

Pac-Man World Rally - RIP, is Game Low Spec, Genre from this game is Racing, Download Pac-Man World Rally - RIP from pcgamelow with Single Link ( Google Drive ).
Pac-Man World Rally contains gameplay that is standard to kart racing games. It also contains a 4-player multiplayer mode where you can access characters from both the Pac-Man world and many other Bandai Namco games. Pac-boxes are available on the track and allow the player the gift of one item. Pac-dots are also available on the racetrack. Each Pac-dot collected helps the player's meter go up. Once it is full, the player can press the specified button and turn into Pac-Man, and all the other players turn into blue (vulnerable) ghosts. If the Pac-Man eats any of the blue ghosts, the blue ghosts will stop for a while and get a major disadvantage on the track. This event only lasts eight seconds. A fruit activation button is on the racetrack. When the player runs over the button, fruit is scattered around the racetrack. When you run over the fruit, it allows the shortcut that corresponds with the fruit to become open for you.


System Requirements
OS: Windows 2000/XP
CPU: Pentium III 1.0GHz Processor
Hard Drive: 500 MB
RAM: 128 MB
Video Card: 64 MB OpenGL 1.1 compatible
Sound Card: 16-bit DirectX compatible
DirectX 8.0
Keyboard and Mouse

Link Download Pac-Man World Rally - RIP
Size : 106MB

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